Shifting To More Popular Design Trends With Pocket Folders
Submitted by: Janice Jenkins
There comes a time in the life of your color pocket folders when a design change is needed. You cannot have the same designs for your custom pocket folders forever. That is why you are fortunate enough to stumble upon this special guide into designing pocket folders.
Here you will find most of the primary steps that you should follow to shift easily to more popular design trends with your pocket folders. Follow the instructions below one by one and you can easily hope to achieve trendy looking pocket folders, just like all the other popular prints out there. So read on and see what you can learn.
1. Take away the old templates. If you really want to shift to a more popular style with pocket folders, the first step is to take away the old templates that you are using. While those old templates are useful for pocket folder design, you should take note that today there are more modern and more interesting pocket folder templates that you may be able to use.
Instead of the usual pockets, you can now have a variety of pockets and features to add in your folders. From diagonal pockets, slits, straps and other types of storage features, pocket folder templates today can give you lots to choose from. Try your best to get something new and interesting to make your folders look very trendy and popular.
2. Add more vibrant and dynamic backgrounds. Plain colors in pocket folders are hardly trend setting. You will need to add more vibrant and dynamic color backgrounds to fully transform your pocket folders to something quite great looking and trendy. The best move is to apply a brighter and more vivid color background to your pocket folder by digitally enhancing the background itself.
Beyond that, you might even want to apply some dynamic effects such as gradients. Having a color gradient background adds that very dynamic but vivid feel, similar to what other types of visual media is doing today. Believe me this is almost a required move for most prints right now, so you should try it out on your pocket folders.
3. Implement newer font styles. If you are adding some text elements in your pocket folders, it is the best move for you to implement or use more newer and fresher font styles. Using old font styles will of course make your pocket folders look old and dated.
Downloading web 2.0 font s however should easily let you make your color pocket folders look newly made and of course forward looking. So try to download those new web 2.0 fonts if possible. They are free so it is easy enough to use them for your design s sake.
4. Use more enhanced graphics and images. Most popular prints today always enhance their images and graphics. They use applications like Adobe Photoshop to tweak and improve photographs and images and of course make them, look incredible and fun to actually analyze and keep.
You should also try to apply this to your pocket folders. Pocket folders that will use such enhanced images can go a long way in impressing audiences. So if you do have the software, do not hesitate to use it for the advancement of your pocket folders.
5. Add glossiness and the web 2.0 style. Finally, you should try to add glossiness and the web 2.0 style. The special design concept that is popular today on the web is web 2.0. This is basically the trend of having glossy and sleek effects in your visual design. You can use this on graphics, the background the text and even the paper material itself through special paper. With that glossy finish in your pocket folders, there will be no denying that your folders will look incredible and of course totally trendy in the eyes of readers.
All of these tips combined should help you go into the shift from your ordinary pocket folders to folders that are more interesting and of course trendier. Just make sure to be careful and do everything right for the process to do great as well.
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