5 Gifts You Can Give That Won’t Be “Regifted”

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By Alex Lemone
Regifting is becoming more popular and more accepted these days. It is good for the environment, cuts down on clutter, and keeps the gift receivers happy. But if you are the one doing the giving, you usually hope that your gift won’t be regifted or returned. How to keep your gift out of the regift pile? Here are five gifts that won’t be regifted.
1. Money
Money is the quintessential wedding gift. It’s pretty, it smells good, and it is the key to unlocking any of one’s desires. People getting married are often saving for big purchases. They may have enough of the commonly-given household gifts, but they may need to buy a house to put them in. Or, the gifts they want, possibly movies or furniture, might be inappropriate to ask for in a registry or wish list. Giving the gift of money gives people a strong financial foundation and it allows them to purchase exactly the things they need.
2. A large gift from their registry or wish list
People may get a little crazy and register for just about anything for their wish list or registry. It can be difficult to figure out what gifts they want the most. First, pay attention to the place in the registry that tells you how many of an item the couple wants and how many have been purchased. This is not a fool-proof way to ensure you won’t get a duplicate; guests are free to buy gifts from a non-registry store, for instance, but it is a good safeguard. Next, look at the larger or more expensive gifts on the registry. Purchasing one of these makes it very unlikely they will get duplicates, and they certainly wouldn’t want to regift something that dear.
3. Honeymoon registry
This is a little like giving money in that it is an intangible gift. It is a very special one, though. For many couples, the honeymoon is the only chance they get to have an all-out vacation before life and family get in the way. Many couples can’t afford a honeymoon these days. Putting money toward a honeymoon package gives them a chance to have a vacation they otherwise may not be able to afford. A gift toward a honeymoon is certainly not regiftable and you can often choose to buy certain amenities, such as airfare, dinner, or a massage.
4. An heirloom
This isn’t a foolproof gift, so don’t go overboard with this one. Take the bridal couple’s tastes into account. Remember that just because you like something, doesn’t mean they will. Tasteful heirlooms are: wedding ring quilts, family silver or china, antique furniture, and jewelry. Heirlooms inappropriate as wedding gifts are: macrame, crocheted afghans, knick knacks, and handmade baby clothes (hold your horses, we’re not there yet!). Remember that just because something is handmade or old, doesn’t make it an heirloom.
5. A big ticket item
Buy someone a house, car, or Recreational Vehicle, and you can be pretty sure they won’t regift it. If you have the means and are amenable to this option, get a feel for what the couple is looking for. It is a good decision to give the couple a letter showing your intent to purchase them a house and then let them choose the house they desire. That will make sure they’ll get exactly what they need.
If you are concerned with giving someone a gift that they will enjoy, it is appropriate to ask them what they want. Tell them how important they are to you and let them know you want to get the gift right. Your earnest attitude and desire to please is a gift in itself, one that will tell them how much you care. That is as good a gift as any tangible present, any day.
About the Author: Alex Lemone writes about wedding and event related topics. For more gift giving tips and wedding planning ideas or to check out some other wedding ideas, go to Wedding Ideas Etc. Note: You may reprint this article on your website, newsletter, or blog as long as the resource box remains in tact and hyperlinks stay active and dofollow.
Source: isnare.com
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